Sachse FFA
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SHS Junior FFA

If you are interested in joining Junior FFA please email Nicole Hohenberger at

 Active chapters of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America may form Junior FFA Chapters for the purpose of enhancing and encouraging the education of younger students who are interested in the agricultural industry.

- Membership in the Texas Junior FFA organization shall consist of students enrolled in public schools or accredited private schools who are in the third grade and eight years old and may continue until they become eligible to enroll in the ANFR instructional program.
- Junior members must be affiliated with a chapter in the school district in which they are enrolled as a full-time student unless the school district approves a waiver for out of district students.
- State dues in the same amount as active FFA membership dues shall be collected.
- Students initiate junior membership by participating in whatever location function is designated by the local advisor as a qualifying activity or event to initiate membership. (Examples: attend meeting, validate livestock under auspices of chapter)
-  Junior FFA members are not eligible to participate in events in which Texas FFA Association has direct oversight including but not limited to leadership development events, career development events, speaking development events, state FFA rodeo, talent and agriscience fair. - Junior membership activities shall include exhibition of livestock and poultry projects. Local, county, regional and statewide shows and other agricultural education partners may include junior members in other events such but not limited to agricultural mechanics shows and judging competitions.


Junior FFA membership policy Nicole Harper-Hohenberger 5/10/2017 32 KB



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